Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Phenomenal Fishing Day

In one day we caught over 8 salmon weighing sixty pounds total. We had our fill. Although the limit was six salmon per person. We had the opportunity to keep 30 fish. The inlet was lush with salmon that were piling atop each other.  There was a good sized crowd fishing chaoticly along with eagles, sea lions, and commercial fishermen. The tide was rising you see, and the fish were going to be difficult to fish once it rised.   And if your still wondering if there were lots of fish... YES THERE WERE WAVES OF FISH!!! Wave after wave of  salmon and steelhead trout, and even sockeye salmon. But our fishing location will remain a secret... We'll keep you updated and the ferry pic's will come soon. _ Erick

Please Comment. Thank you. 


  1. That's super! Any leftovers for us? :)


  2. Great seeing your fun. Fishing looks marvelous. The scenary is spectacular. Love seeing the updates. Enjoy and keep us posted. Mildred & Avis

  3. Chuck says now that is fishing - not like other places we know! ;)
